The Best Carbonated Beverage Ever

A few months ago, this post would’ve been completely different. I used to think that Diet Coke was the Best Thing Ever. Not even just the Best Carbonated Beverage Ever. It also reigned as champion of other categories as well, like Best Ingestible Item Ever, or Best Caffeinated Beverage Ever, or Best Drink Without Calories Ever. But apparently artificial sweeteners suck away your soul or make you grow extra toes or something, so I decided to quit Diet Coke and pretty much everything else with artificial sweeteners. And that is when a void appeared in my life that can only be filled with fizz and flavor. I discovered iced tea as a new source of midday caffeination, and I’ve always loved water for mindless sipping. But iced tea and water just can’t do what soda can do – satisfy that flavored carbonation craving. And so I was reacquainted with that No Sodium, No Artificial Sweeteners, No Pretty-Much-Anything-Else beverage: La Croix.

The Best Carbonated Beverage Ever

La Croix is the Best Carbonated Beverage Ever. It is just delightful. It comes in a variety of flavors; my favorites are Berry and Pamplemousse if you speak French or Grapefruit if you speak normal. It has no calories and no artificial anything. It doesn’t even have weird dyes or colors that rot your teeth into sad little stubs. And sometimes it’s just so satisfying to drink something with carbonation. When I’m feeling a little adventurous, I like to mix my La Croix with iced tea for a carbonated and caffeinated non-cancer-causing-or-teeth-rotting option. Well I guess tea can stain your teeth, but whatever, I need caffeine somehow. In addition to the caffeine I get in my morning coffee of course.

I will admit that if you’re really used to soda and somehow found some kind of pleasure in drinking what is 99% HFCS with “caramel color,” La Croix will seem a little weak. But after not drinking Diet Coke for a month or so, La Croix is a breath of fresh air. Or maybe a cold drink of water? So because of its lack of any weird ingredients and unique ability to provide carbonation without the chemicals, La Croix wins the title: Best Carbonated Beverage Ever.

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